Having a great tax accountant no longer guarantees your protection from a SARS tax audit.

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With SARS facing tax revenue shortfalls in excess of R200 billion, the reality is that SARS is under pressure to collect more taxes. And this means more taxpayers will be subjected to tax audits – even if you and your business is 100% tax compliant.

SARS have the law behind them. The Tax Administration Act gives them wide-ranging powers, coupled with the fact that Judge Davis has called for lifestyle audits of the wealthy.  SARS is even monitoring social media posts to see if your lifestyle is reconcilable with your declared tax information.

The heat is on. SARS wants to know that no one is hiding tax revenue anywhere, and that means that taxpayers could deal with lengthy, difficult, and expensive tax audits.

Here’s the thing with tax audits and related disputes – taxpayers have to carry their own costs, regardless of the outcome.  Representation in a SARS audit and dispute can be a lengthy and costly process.  Under normal circumstances, taxpayers cannot expect their tax consultants’ help at no charge.  And if the matter escalates, taxpayers may need to call in tax lawyers.

SARS hearings can be complicated and very expensive – we see it again and again.  Your best defense is Tax Risk Insurance. Tax Risk Insurance will appoint and pay for some of SA’s top legal or tax experts who will team up with us, your tax accountant, to ensure a fair and favorable tax audit outcome – at no additional cost to you! Click here

So – what does it cost?

Considering the risk taxpayers potentially face, it’s worth getting the right experts who can resolve a SARS audit and related disputes quickly and decisively! From only *R210 for individuals and *R219 for businesses monthly, you will get the Tax Risk Insurance cover you need for total peace of mind when you need it most.

*Terms and Conditions Apply

For more information on this necessary cover – go to www.taxrisk.co.za

Interested in getting covered now?

Contact us and we will assist you in navigating the process of getting your

Tax Risk Insurance cover activated.

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