Integrate with Xero seamlessly

GreatSoft and Xero integration offers accounting firms freedom of choice for their billing distribution and General Ledger, this is the first step in practices selecting the best apps for their needs. This integration allows GreatSoft customers to integrate their Practice Management system into Xero, and for users of Xero Accounting to integrate their Xero system into a fully-fledged CRM, Tax, Secretarial and Document Management system.

The combined solution will deliver significant productivity and efficiency gains for firms by providing a streamlined and integrated ledger between GreatSoft and Xero Accounting while removing the need to duplicate client capture and upkeep between GreatSoft and Xero.

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Payroll Lite : The Future of Payroll is Here

revolutionise your payroll processing with GreatSoft Payroll Lite!

Streamline Your Workflow

GreatSoft Payroll Lite allows you to pay tens, hundreds, or even thousands of employees in minutes. It doesn’t just streamline your workflow – it supercharges it. 

Key Features:

  • Automated tax calculations and filings
  • Direct deposit and pay card options
  • Robust reporting and analytics
  • Super easy and intuitive interface

Think Simpler Think Smarter Think about a new era for financial harmony Think GreatSoft Lite!

from 300

Payroll Lite pricing starts at just R300/month. Choose from a variety of plans and add-ons. You won’t pay a cent until you’re ready to run payroll.