As you are well aware this week President Ramophosa’s announced a 21-day nationwide lockdown starting from 23:59 on the evening of Thursday, 26th March. We know you and your business are facing unprecedented challenges right now with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and like you we are working things out as things unfold. We are here to partner with you in any or all of it. Please will you take note of the steps we have put in place already, especially the points that impact the working relationship with you.
Business as unusual
To ensure the safety of our team members as well as our business continuity, we’ve moved from a hybrid to a fully remote model to support the lockdown. GreatSoft was built on a strong distributed team model. With the current pandemic, those who regularly work in one of our three corporate offices have shifted to working remotely as well. We have also made sure that our networks and software can handle the additional demands so that people and businesses accessing our cloud-based solutions can work seamlessly from home.
- You may make contact with us on any new matters where you require our assistance on the normal channels or visiting our website or mailing us
- We will keep you posted on all current matters as far as it is in our control.
- We are available to consult with you electronically in whatever form of digital format you feel comfortable with.
- We have created a remote support center, so the offsite consultant will be available via telephone support, however we would be grateful if you would first use our digital channels wherever possible.
- For any support queries please mail
- Any GreatSoft CRM, Tax or Secretarial support please phone 021 531 7180
- Any GreatSoft payroll support please phone 011 453 0693
- If you would like your staff to work remotely, please contact us to assist in setting up a remote working environment for you.
- We will be hosting various webinar’s over the next couple of weeks. And will keep you informed. You may also click here for periodic updates and to register for these. Check out the Secretarial Webinar, hosted by Anita Wahl on the 1st of April, don’t miss this, click here
General Enquiries
If you have any questions, please contact us. Our team of experts will be available via phone, live chat or email to assist you during this time. If any changes do occur, or we need to communicate anything to you, we will do so immediately. Thank you for your support and understanding. Keep strong, keep positive, and keep safe. We are going to emerge on the other side, having learned a few new things about technology, about ways of doing things, and about ourselves.
For up to date information on COVID-19 please visit:
– the official COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal
– the National Institute for Communicable Diseases
– the World Health Organisation
GreatSoft (National contact details)
- Live Chat – (click on WhatsApp icon to chat with a team member)
- Web Queries –
- Support Department –
- General enquiries –
- Managing Director – Jean Pick – 083 782 1666