Need a Tax Calculator that you can trust?

Tired of Excel calculations and spreadsheets?

Need a Tax Calculator that you can trust and help you manage your Tax Administration and Submissions to eFiling?

Then GreatSoft TAX is the answer.

Benefits of using GreatSoft CRM TAX Software

  • Request and submit tax returns in bulk
  • Manage returns across multiple offices and partners
  • Send out provisional tax letters
  • Never worry about backing up your software or expensive equipment
  • Meet SARS deadlines
  • All your client information is secure
  • Improve the relationship with your clients
  • and much more

GreatSoft TAX is a high-performance tax administration system that will assist you in preparing and submitting tax returns to SARS. The software is browser-based, which means you can login to your secure portal and manage your clients’ tax affairs from anywhere on any device. Automatic backups and updates are done for you, giving you the peace of mind that your data is safe and compliant.

GreatSoft TAX interfaces directly with SARS eFiling allowing you to request taxpayer information, prepare and submit your tax calculation for Companies and Individuals on the dynamic ITR forms, and track the status of your Assessments. The advantage of using GreatSoft TAX is in the built-in workflow and ability to submit your annual and provisional tax returns in bulk. The TAX module is fully integrated with GreatSoft CRM and other modules, like Secretarial and Billings, saving you between 30 to 60 minutes per taxpayer.

GreatSoft TAX is developed using the best and latest Microsoft technologies, which will ensure that you get high-quality performance. Our team of Tax specialist is also always ready and willing to assist with any of your queries

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Payroll Lite : The Future of Payroll is Here

revolutionise your payroll processing with GreatSoft Payroll Lite!

Streamline Your Workflow

GreatSoft Payroll Lite allows you to pay tens, hundreds, or even thousands of employees in minutes. It doesn’t just streamline your workflow – it supercharges it. 

Key Features:

  • Automated tax calculations and filings
  • Direct deposit and pay card options
  • Robust reporting and analytics
  • Super easy and intuitive interface

Think Simpler Think Smarter Think about a new era for financial harmony Think GreatSoft Lite!

from 300

Payroll Lite pricing starts at just R300/month. Choose from a variety of plans and add-ons. You won’t pay a cent until you’re ready to run payroll.