GreatSoft News
Get your Payroll software now and only pay in March 2022
What you get with GreatSoft Payroll: Powerful Payroll module Fully customizable leave management with workflow options ESS+MSS (Employee self-service and Manager self service) Document storage (Personal docs, Company docs and well as IRP5/IT3 Tax certificates bulk upload) Free fair usage policy for support 3 Month Hand Holding Billing per active Payslip. Unlimited users and unlimited
POPI vs PAIA – whats the difference?
OK so now that the POPIA deadline has passed don’t forget about PAIA! While most of us may have been focussing on implementing our action plans to ensure that we are compliant with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), we should also consider the Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA). It is important
Expansion to the Employment Tax Incentive (ETI)
Introduction In 2020, Parliament passed the Disaster Management Tax Relief Act, 2020, and the Disaster Management Relief Administration Act, 2020, containing exceptional tax measures which formed part of the fiscal package aimed at assisting taxpayers who experienced cash flow constraints as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and required national lockdown. One of the exceptional
Having a great tax accountant no longer guarantees your protection from a SARS tax audit.
With SARS facing tax revenue shortfalls in excess of R200 billion, the reality is that SARS is under pressure to collect more taxes. And this means more taxpayers will be subjected to tax audits – even if you and your business is 100% tax compliant. SARS have the law behind them. The Tax Administration Act
Claiming PAYE from Home
With the Outbreak of the Corona Virus, more and more employees were forced to start working from home. Remote work is no longer a term for freelancers and gig workers, but everyone’s present daily. The work culture has evolved massively and Flexible employment became the new buzzword. With all that said, what does this mean
Home Office Tax Deductions and Expenditures
Working from home seems to be the “New Normal” since the Coronavirus outbreak. If you worked from home for more than half of your total working hours or for more than 6 months during the tax year March 2020 to February 2021 you can claim back from SARS. These deductions are only allowed under certain