November 2018

What makes a good technology partner | GreatSoft

It is often it is the level of local support that can turn a technology supplier into a trusted technology partner. GreatSoft understands how critical this is, and ultimately how this impacts on your practice. Rhona Havenga, explains how GreatSoft strives to ensure that clients have a technology partner that they can trust.

What makes a good technology partner | GreatSoft Read More »

Signup here for a Business Intelligence Tool | GreatSoft

A New Product That Will Help You Manage Your Practice More Effectively! To manage and grow your practice you need to identify the root causes of problems, so that you can implement effective counter measures. However, identifying the root cause of problems is not always easy, so GreatSoft has developed an unbelievable new Business Intelligence

Signup here for a Business Intelligence Tool | GreatSoft Read More »

Accounting Humour – Searching for an Accountant

Searching for an Accountant A business owner tells her friend that she is desperately searching for an accountant. Her friend asks, “Didn’t your company hire an accountant a short while ago?” The business owner replies, “That’s the accountant I’ve been searching for.” Accountants vs Bank Robbers Two accountants are in a bank when armed robbers burst in.

Accounting Humour – Searching for an Accountant Read More »

Heart attack warning signs – Prevention is better than cure! | GreatSoft

Some heart attacks are sudden and intense, but most heart attacks start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. But one thing is clear: Heart attack warning signs for men and women often are different. For instance, it’s more likely women will experience symptoms commonly associated with the flu. Most heart attacks, however, involve discomfort in

Heart attack warning signs – Prevention is better than cure! | GreatSoft Read More »

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Payroll Lite : The Future of Payroll is Here

revolutionise your payroll processing with GreatSoft Payroll Lite!

Streamline Your Workflow

GreatSoft Payroll Lite allows you to pay tens, hundreds, or even thousands of employees in minutes. It doesn’t just streamline your workflow – it supercharges it. 

Key Features:

  • Automated tax calculations and filings
  • Direct deposit and pay card options
  • Robust reporting and analytics
  • Super easy and intuitive interface

Think Simpler Think Smarter Think about a new era for financial harmony Think GreatSoft Lite!

from 300

Payroll Lite pricing starts at just R300/month. Choose from a variety of plans and add-ons. You won’t pay a cent until you’re ready to run payroll.